2009-07-08 12:52:12 UTC
Download (click on the link)
Double click the file, and unzip it to a directory (folder) of your choice. If you get a strange result after double clicking, or Windows tells you it does not know what to do, please visit and download and install Winzip from there.
No additional installation procedures are needed!
To play the game, follow these steps:
To play, run the executable spfix63.exe that you can find in the folder where you unzipped supaplex.
Note for Windows 95/98/NT users: Although it is recommended that you run Supaplex in a plain DOS environment (not a DOS-box), you can run it under Windows. You should expect a lesser performance and some occasional flashes while playing. It may still be preferred though, if your knowledge of DOS is limited. You can make a shortcut to the game on your desktop like this:
Right click the mouse on an empty spot on your desktop.
Select the option "new" from the popup menu.
Choose option "shortcut" from the sub-menu.
Answer the questions Windows asks you:
For the "command line", browse to the executable "spfix62.exe".
Choose a name for the shortcut as you wish ("Supaplex" would be simple and effective.)
For the icon, you can choose the default MS-DOS icon, to remind you that Supaplex is actually a DOS program. You can also choose an icon of your choice, or download some special Supaplex icons for it from the software page.
Now RIGHT click on the shortcut you just created, and choose "properties" from the popup menu.
Click on the "screen" tab, and click on the "Full screen" option in the "Usage" group.
Click on the "misc" tab, turn OFF "Allow screen saver", and turn ON "Always Suspend".
If you want, you can also turn on the "Close on exit" option from the "Program" tab, but remember that if you do that, you won't be able to see any error messages from the game when it exits!
Please note that you should NEVER switch tasks when you are playing Supaplex. It does some "tricky things" to the computer, and if you do switch tasks, your system might very well hang. If you want to switch tasks safely, FIRST exit the game, THEN switch to another task.
Now click on the OK button at the bottom, and your shortcut is ready to be used. Enjoy the game!
To use certain features in Supaplex, you have to use command line options. For more information about this, please refer to the Supaplex FAQ: How do I use command line options in Windows 95?
For more information about which commandline options you can use, you can check out the SpeedFix documentation (the file SPFIX62.DOC) or you can look up the question about what you want to do (e.g. play new levels, record a demo, view a solution, etc.) in the Supaplex FAQ.